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Mandarin Related News

California expands HLB quarantine in San Diego County Yesterday
"It remains to be seen how Spanish and overseas citrus will coexist this year" 2 days ago
Peru to export citrus fruits to New Zealand 4 days ago
More citrus on the way according to 2024-2025 California crop estimates 4 days ago
California's Tango and W. Murcott Afourer mandarin fruit volume per tree forecas Last week
The EU's General Court upholds protection for Nadorcott mandarins Last week
Perú: ProCitrus busca recuperar producción de cítricos e incrementar envíos en n Last week
Peru's citrus cultivation tends towards late varieties 2 weeks ago
Perú: Envíos de mandarinas crecen 81% en volumen y 86% en valor en agosto 3 weeks ago
Forecasts of a low supply of overseas citrus already influence prices in the Spa 3 weeks ago

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